No personal information (name, email address, birth date or country of origin) which is supplied by registered users will be shared with third-parties :

 1. The information contained in ReadCaptcha databases may not be used, copied, distributed, sublicensed, modified, rented, altered, reverse engineered or recompiled in any way without written permission from the owner. 

2. Personal Data Protection You provide the following data about yourself to ReadCaptcha: 

First Name 

Last Name 


Phone number

We use this data for your account and for delivering the service to you. ReadCaptcha doesn't transmit your data to any 3rd party unless it is necessary for delivering you the service or demanded by the legal authorities. Please keep it in mind that ReadCaptcha is not responsible for your personal data that you chose to place publicly on our website. Whenever made possible, you can access, update or request deletion of Your Personal Data directly within Your account settings section. If you are unable to perform these actions yourself, please contact Us to assist You.